Atlanta Trademark Attorney – Trademark Attorney Atlanta
Atlanta Trademark Lawyer- Trademark Lawyer Atlanta
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Need help filing a Trademark? Trademark Application.
What is a US trademark?
Definition of Trademark
A US trademark is a form of protection for a product mark™ in the form of a word, name, phrase, tag-line (Standard Characters) symbol, graphic, color (Stylized and/or Design) or a combination word/graphic that identifies a product being introduced in the market place.
A service mark is a mark SM similar to a trademark, except it identifies a service being offered in the market place. The terms “trademark” and “mark” often are used to refer to both trademarks and service marks.
How to do a trade name registration Georgia? A trade name or a business name is the name a business uses for commercial purposes. (The legal name is the name registered with the state secretary of state office, such as ____ Inc., LLC or Partnership or the name used for contracts.) Georgia trade name registration.
DBA (doing business as) is a name of a business or operation other than the owner or proprietor’s name, or legal name such as Inc., LLC or Partnership of the business. Most jurisdictions require businesses operating with fictitious names to file a DBA statement for consumer protection purposes with the county and/or state.
Different types of Trademarks:
Federal trademarks are filed with the USPTO and provide protection in all 50 states. To file for a federal trademark application the owner must be currently using or intending to use the mark in commerce across state lines.
State trademarks are typically filed with the state’s Secretary of State Office and provide for trademark protection within the state. Common Law trademark rights are obtained through use of the mark and are not governed by federal or state statute based on filing a trademark application, instead common law trademark rights developed under court created rights governed by state law.
Since common law trademark rights are obtained through use their scope is limited to the geographic area in which the mark is actually used or in areas it may naturally expand.
State trademarks are typically filed with the state’s Secretary of State Office and provide for trademark protection within the state. Common Law trademark rights are obtained through use of the mark and are not governed by federal or state statute based on filing a trademark application, instead common law trademark rights developed under court created rights governed by state law.
Since common law trademark rights are obtained through use their scope is limited to the geographic area in which the mark is actually used or in areas it may naturally expand.
If you wish to file a US trademark application please call Atlanta trademark attorney Atlanta GA Mat Grell for a Free consultation at 678-202-5990.
How to create a great Trademark
1- List all descriptive words and synonyms that describe your product or service
2- Use the following rules to create your trademark from the list in step 1
a) Cut & combine – i.e., Microcomputer & Software were cut and combined to make MicroSoft
b) Cut – i.e., Intellectual (smart) cut to make Intel (smart computer chips)
c) Misdirect – i.e., Apple a fruit, (Isaac Newton symbol of an apple is equated with smart) to make Apple (a smart computer company)
d) Make up a word- i.e., Google
Create a list of possible trademarks using the rules above.
3- Trademark Search each possible trademark from step 2 on the Internet to see if it is in use. If in use by someone else strike this possible trademark from your list
4- Search to see if you can buy the domain name of your trademark? If available buy the domain with and without dashes between the words. i.e., and
5- Hire trademark lawyers in Atlanta to perform a federal trademark screening and file a US trademark application to protect your trademark.
Trademark Attorney Atlanta GA -Call trademark lawyer Atlanta GA Mat Grell for a Free consultation at (678) 202-5990. Email.
Trademark Lawyers in Atlanta GA or Law Firms in Atlanta
Grell & Watson Patent Attorneys, LLC, 4989 Peachtree Parkway, Norcross, GA 30092. (678) 202-5990 phone
Trademark Attorney near me: Norcross, Gwinnett county (Peachtree Corners, Duluth, Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Snellville, Norcross), Hall County (Gainesville, Buford), Barrow County (Winder)
Trademark Lawyer Atlanta GA in Johns Creek
Grell & Watson IP Law, LLC, 11330 Lakefield Drive, Suite 200 – Building 2, Johns Creek, Georgia 30097. (678) 202-5990 phone
Atlanta Trademark Attorney in Alpharetta, Rosewell, Sandy Springs
Grell & Watson IP Law, LLC,11175 Cicero Drive, Suite 100, Alpharetta, Georgia 30009. (678) 202-5990
By Mat Grell, Patent & Trademark Attorney Lawyer
Atlanta GA Trademark Attorney – Trademark Attorney Atlanta GA
Atlanta GA Trademark Lawyer – Trademark Lawyer Atlanta GA
What is a Trademark Search?
Trademark name searches refer to a trademark search of the US Patent & Trademark office records USPTO, state trademark office records, Internet uses, domain names, secretary of state business name uses (trade names) for the purpose of determining whether a trademark is used in commerce. An appropriate searching strategy will consider the nature of the mark, the nature of the goods/services the mark covers, the timeline for bringing the mark to commerce, and the applicant’s allocation of resources.
Trademark business name searches are generally classified as being either a full search or a knock-out search (pre-screening)